Fridges/ refrigerator has very Important & essential role in our day To day life. As we have advanced our world Technologically. Our requirements has increased Exponentially to Our comfort for Luxury & lifestyle. By having best availability in mid of Plenty of choices available for Hygiene & health. With Versatile Aura. Here Few refrigerator series We"Brand is business" is Presenting By Considering every Aspect of Human life. ConnecT with Brand Is Business Buy now any following Products from us: . Airconditioner . Cooler . Fan . Fridge . Laptops . Englishwell India . Water purifier . Mobile phones . Insurance . Equitty & Investment . Shoes,Wallet &Belt s . Health& Wellness . Meditation & spritualit y Refrigerator,s/Fridges Available Range for sale: (On discounted offer). 1.Haier 181 L,2 star direct cool single door refrigerator . MRP:17890.00 Rs. Brand is Business offer: 15896.00 Colour: Black Brushline Brand: Haier Mode...
Brand Is Business is an E commerce Business platform. Brand is Business,s Offerings. 1.Consumer Durable. (AC,Cooler,fridge,Fan). 2.Consumer Electronics. (Laptop/Mobile phones). 3.Water purifier solutions. 4.Shoe,s and Quality Life style Accessories. Have a Great day! Regards Rajesh Kumar 9455414018 9335530407